Holiday dreams

chapter 1

I wanted a nice, round, fat, happy wife for Christmas, but how to achieve this?

I was thumbing through a catalog a few weeks before Christmas. It was a really weird catalog, I was about to toss it in the recycling pile when a noticed some bright red lingerie on a very plump model. I read the caption and I was immediately intrigued. It said: “Do you want a rounder, fuller figure on your special lady this Christmas? Well Mrs. Claus has agreed to share some of her special lingerie. It helps her maintain her very well fed figure!” I continued to read the description. I could order either the special “Mrs. Claus Bra or Bra and Panty set or just the bright red bikini cut Panties.

I ordered the panties only. I could not weight to try then out on Taylor, my loving, pretty, but oh so skinny wife.

The panties arrived a week later, with some different post marks on the box. I opened the box and inside was a neatly wrapped package. The card said, “To Taylor with love Mrs. Claus and Matt, put these on Christmas morning before you have anything to eat!” There was a little note to me from “Mrs. Claus”, “Dear Matt, Please buy Taylor plenty of food/candy gifts this Christmas, the richer and heavier foods and candies the better to help Taylor grow into the wife of your dreams!”

I did exactly what Mrs. Claus said. I bought several boxes of rich chocolates, gift baskets full of rich treats, several gourmet kits to test Taylor’s appetite.

On Christmas Eve I was like a little kid, I was so excited for what I hoped the morning would bring. We had just gone to bed when Taylor asked, “Matt are you okay dear? You are acting like a little kid.” “I’m sorry babe, I am just a little keyed up for tomorrow”. I replied. We kissed and snuggled for a while. I could feel Taylor skinning thighs as we “spooned”.

On Christmas morning I got up first. I wanted to be sure that Taylor opened Mrs. Claus’s present first and put on the magic panties. I went down stairs and weighted for Taylor to come down. She entered the living room and sat by her stocking gifts the panty box was the first thing she touched. Taylor opened the box and pulled out the bright red bikini. “Oh Matt these are so cute! The card is adorable, with the advice from Mrs. Claus to put these on first thing!” giggled Taylor. Much to my delight she hopped up and when into the powder room and changed into the bikini. She left her robe off, and on only the panty and the camisole she wore to bed. She spun around showing off her present, “Matt these are so soft and comfortable, I can barely feel them.”

Then it happened, I barely noticed, but Taylor started to rub her flat stomach and slim bottom. Fortunately my next present was a big box of chocolates. “Oh Matt I am really hungry this morning! As soon as we get done with the stocking stuffers, I want breakfast!” She opened her next present (the chocolates) and immediately started to eat them, one after another. I could only stare, Taylor was not even chewing and swallowing them before she put another one in her mouth!

“Matt” Taylor nearly shrieked with her mouth now stuffed with chocolates, “Please start breakfast, I am so hungry!” “What would you like for breakfast honey?” I asked. “Waffles, no French toast, no pancakes, No Matt all three! Hurry please Matt!”

I immediately got up and started to fix as much of all three as I could. I poured pancake batter onto the griddle, as I closed the waffle iron and dipped bread into the French toast milk and eggs. Soon I had a good pile of each!

Meanwhile, Taylor had opened several more presents, nearly all of which were treats and she ate them as fast as she tore the wrapping paper off. She was now sitting on the living room floor in just the panties and camisole.

“Taylor, do you want to eat at the dining room table or here in the kitchen?” “UURRP, excuse me, I want to eat at the dining room table there is more room for food on it!” Exclaimed Taylor. “Yes dear!” I replied.

While I carried Taylor’s breakfast feast to the table I could not help but notice that Taylors stomach was beginning to bloat out a bit. I could see that the chocolates were gone as well as the next several food presents I had bought her.
“Breakfast is ready dear!” I called. “UURRP, excuse me again, Matt come help me up, would you please dear.” “Be right there honey.” I replied.

I went into the living room. Taylor was still on the floor, rubbing her now noticeably bigger belly, chocolate smeared on her face and crumbs all over her camisole. I helped her up, she grunted with the effort to pull herself up. She nearly knocked me down racing to the dining room table.

Taylor sat down heavily. She immediately started to fill her plate with waffles, French toast, pancakes , sausage and bacon. She did not even say grace, but just started eating, shoveling food into her mouth. She poured nearly a whole bottle of syrup on her plate and continued. She loaded another plate, finished it, then another she pounded that one down too. “Matt make some more please honey, hurry!”

I did have a clue and was already ahead of her, but just barely. I brought in another platter of breakfast foods and set it before my gorging bride. Taylor shrieked, “Oh Matt you are awesome!” She started to shovel more food into her mouth, this time right from the platter.

I started to notice a change in Taylor! She now had a hint of a double chin, her thighs were starting to widen toward the edge of her chair, and her belly was becoming bloated.

She finished the platter and leaned back in the chair. Her belly was now bulging out, lifting up the camisole. I could see a role of belly fat forming above the waist band of the bikini. Taylor patted her tummy, giggling, “Matt look at my tummy! I think I am going to get fat! I am going to eat all day!”

I almost lost it with that comment, but I had to let “Mrs. Claus panties” run their course. “Taylor there are more presents under the tree, do you want to change?” Taylor, now, at least for the next few minutes was sated, replied, “No Matt, I will just open presents in my new panties! URRRP! Please help me up will you dear?”

I went over to Taylor admiring the view of her now bulging belly. Her thighs were rounding out, pushing toward the edge of her chair and the panties were creating nice little rolls at the leg openings on her bottom!
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