Center for abdominal distension

chapter 1

My wife and I walked into the office; we were both a little nervous. We have kind of a weird fetish and we are embarrassed about actually telling someone about it. But we had worked up the courage, so now was the time to do something about it.

The office was the Center for Abdominal Distension we were there,by appointment to get started on both of us getting huge, round, protruding bellies. I know it sounds really weird but Meg and I discovered very early in our marriage that we both had a fetish about having huge bellies, not only individually but our significant other as well.

Once inside we were greeted by a very cute, but hugely pregnant at least I thought she was pregnant receptionist. “Good morning! I am Jane and you must be Meg and Matt Fox.” “Yes that is correct.” I replied a little nervously.

Jane giggled, “Oh don’t be nervous, we are so glad you are here. We all understand why you are here and we totally empathize with you, too.”

I glanced over the raised desk that Jane was sitting behind, she had the largest belly I had ever seen on any woman her size! There was a plate with several donuts on it, which obviously had held several more earlier. Jane caught my stare and patted her awesome belly, “Mr. Fox, you see we really totally empathize with your desires, believe me we do!”

“I will get a counselor up here to take you to our “show room” as we like to call it.” Giggled Jane. A couple of minutes later we heard a pleasant voice call us, “Mr. and Mrs. Fox, I am Denise, I will be your counselor here at CAD.” I turned around and nearly lost it. Denise had as big a belly as Jane did, but she was only wearing a bikini panty and a loose fitting top, which did not cover her belly or her bottom for that matter. She had a cute little waddle and her belly even jiggled when she walked. I thought I might faint with desire looking at her awesome body. Meg poked me in the side to bring me back to reality.

Meg answered, as I was too stunned to do so, “Yes Denise we would love to get started!”

“Great” replied Denise, “Please follow me, this way.” We followed Denise’s waddling bottom and thighs behind her swaying belly to a room with pictures of men, women and couples all sporting huge round bellies.

Meg and I were shown to comfortable chairs and Denise stood in front of us. “Mr. and Mrs. Fox, have you given any thought to what kind of distention, bulge etc for your abdomens?” Both of us shrugged, “No not really, we really did not think we had a choice, we just thought we would be getting fat bellies.” I replied.

Denise giggled absently patting her own belly, “No, you really do have several choices, both of you.” Meg and I were startled, we thought you get a fat belly and that would be it.

Denise said, “Matt and Meg, let’s get started.” She clicked a small remote and a picture of a guy with a taught, round gut bulging nearly strait out from his chest. She pointed at the huge belly in the picture and described it; “This is a Ball Belly, Matt. We achieve this with an enzyme which causes fat cells to be deposited around organs, this is called visceral fat. It makes for a round, firm protruding belly.”

Meg giggled, “Ooh I like that! Matt you would look so hot with a belly like that!” Denise’s turn to giggle, “Many of our couple distention clients go for the ball belly, the wives like it because it makes the male look pregnant rather than just fat!”

She continued showing us male bellies, soft flabby, rolls, gut sag, beer guts and then a modest paunch. Since Meg really wanted me to have the ball belly, we moved onto the female.

Denise started in on, of course, pregnant bellies, ranging from a modest three month belly all the way up to a nine month full term, twins and triplet bellies. I loved the pregnant series, thinking how awesome Meg would look with a huge “pregger” belly.

Denise showed us, pictures with pot bellies, round soft protruding bellies, multiple roll bellies and then a huge sagging belly which created an under belly on the woman in the picture.

Denise smiled absently scratching her round belly. “Well what to you two think, any decisions?”

I chuckled, “ I want to have a big, soft, sagging, belly.” Meg responded, ‘”Really? I though you wanted the “ball” belly, Matt.” “I did at first, but then I thought about it, I really would love the feel of my belly lying on my thighs. I want to be really, really soft and jiggle when I walk or even move!” Meg shrugged, “That does sound nice. Well Matt it is your belly after all, I am fine with a sagging belly.” Then she answered Denise, “I want to grow a big pregnant belly.” My turn; “Yes!”

“Good choices, both of you! Let’s get started on the paper work and some tests.”

We filled out forms for nearly an hour. There were releases, a contract, diagrams showing profiles of both a man and woman with increasing waists, suggested menus, questionnaires on drug inter-action etc.

Denise finally said, “Now we can get started. We first need a base line capacity test, to see how much food you can each hold. How does pizza sound to you?”

Meg and I answered, “Pizza sounds great, we have binged on it together several times.”
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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