A time to broaden

chapter 1

I had been struggling with my weight for about ten years. I was in fairly good shape, but it was getting harder and harder to stay that way. I was also in the Military Reserves, so I was weighed and measured regularly so I had to work pretty hard to stay in shape. I thought my wife wanted me to stay slim too and “look good”, but a few events showed me my error.

In reality my wife wanted me to enjoy myself, be more indulgent, let go and stop worrying about my appearance.

I had worked for a large utility for many years, it seemed overnight that they were bought out by a big out of state company, hence a reduction in employees. My job was among those slated to be reduced. I also finally hit the magic twenty year mark, so I retired from the Reserves.

It ended up being a blessing in disguise for both of us.

I was given a very generous retirement/severance package. In fact the money was good enough that we really did not need my working income any longer. My wife wanted to continue working for a few more years to vest her retirement benefits, but I was now officially retired and a “house” husband.

I started back on some of my old hobbies. Model kits, mostly ship models and wood working projects were now my focus. These are fairly sedentary activities which played into my wife’s plan.

Carol began buying a lot more snack foods, candy, regular soda, beer, better cold cuts, more cheese, pastries and other richer foods. For my part I began to snack a lot more, this adding to my new sedentary hobbies, I of course began to put on weight.

I lounged around the house in brief cut underpants and when I went out to the garage shop area sweat pants, so elastic waist bands did not reveal my increasing girth.

Carol however was enthralled by my increasing weight. She went out her way to fix much heavier dinners, with much larger portions than I was previously used to. Carol always complemented me in our bed room, despite my rapidly growing belly and bottom, on how good I looked to her.

I was a bit confused. I did notice that I was getting fat, but with Carol’s attention and my staying home and undressed most, if not all day, I did not seem concerned, in fact I was getting a bit aroused looking at my enlarging belly in the mirror and feeling my body jiggle when I walked around the house.

One night Carol had fixed a huge dinner of rich sauces, pastas, breads, salads with rich dressings and plenty of wine. Well, I really over did it, I got a little drunk on wine and gorged myself on the fantastic dinner to the point of being distended.

“Oh baby, I am so sorry, I have totally stuffed myself, I feel like I am going to explode!” I cried. “Matt Honey, you look awesome to me right now, let me rub your belly honey to settle your tummy!” cooed Carol. “Oh Honey I feel like a beached whale right now, I look disgusting I am so bloated” I apologized. “No Matt you look wonderful right now, I have never seen you look so handsome than right now!” Carol exclaimed.

I patted my distended gut. “Carol, I need to lose some weight I am getting really FAT!”
I stammered. “Honey, I weighed myself this morning, I have gained over twenty pounds, my waist is over forty inches, even the leg openings of my briefs are getting tight my thighs are getting so round and fat!”

Carol started crying, “Matt, dearest, I love your new body, your belly and bottom. You have been your old self since you got the retirement deal, you have not been worrying about your appearance and weight and you have been so happy.”

We kissed and made up. I told her I would not do anything about my weight and if I did I would talk to her first. She was happy with that, I was too stuffed for any fooling around that night. We went to bed.

I got up to use the bathroom around two in the morning. I noticed a package of new bikini cut briefs that Carol had bought me last week. I opened it up and took out a pair. I did like the way the brief looked, I pulled off my “whitey tighty’s” and pulled on the bikini.

I LOVED it. The low rise let my belly bulge out, unrestrained by an annoying waist band. The high cut leg openings cut into my expanded butt, showing rolls around the leg openings, the narrower waist band cut into the fat love handles , belly and bottom, creating a nice roll there too.

I went back to bed, it took me a while to get back to sleep wearing my new bikini briefs.

When Carol saw me in the bikini she just about freaked out. “Matt! You look so awesome sweetie that bikini underpants really shows off you body! Cried Carol. I had to agree with her especially after my epiphany last night!

But I was still concerned that I was going to get too fat. But a solution soon was presented in the form of a chance encounter with some old friends that we had not seen in a long time.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Snarry0901 2 years
Fanedfox 3 years
I just wish this scenario would happen to me!!