Making of a chubby hubby

chapter 1

Meg and I dated for six months before I popped the question. Some may feel that is not enough time to get to know your future spouse, but we were sure almost from the first date on.

Meg was 5’2” and a bit on the plump side at 135 lbs. and I was 5’10” and around 190 lbs. So we were not “Ken and Barbie” but in fairly good shape for our ages, which was mid-twenties.

Meg’s parents were quite heavy and both short. My folks were taller, my mom quite slim, but my dad had a pretty good gut and he was a couple of inches taller than me.

Our courtship was pretty un-eventful. We did the usual dinner and a movie, or simply just going out for lunch or dinner. I didn’t really notice it, but all of our dates involved eating, especially for me. There were a couple of dinners with her parents where I suspected that I was being deliberately served larger portions than I normally ate. She also had a habit of ordering a big entre for herself then after only a few bites claiming she was to full and could I finish it for her. Then ordering a desert and doing the same thing. But I was so into the “courting” aspect of our relationship, that I wanted to please her, so finishing her dinner for her or desert just to be polite and considerate. But I was starting to gain weight, only a few pounds, but I was starting to get a bit of a belly and my butt was getting larger too.

Well things started to become more obvious virtually at our reception. I was being plied with plate after plate of food, by either Meg or her mom. I was set up to eat nearly four pieces of cake, on the excuse that someone else needed a better photo. By the time it was time to change to leave on our honeymoon, I was showing a pretty good bloated belly.

When we pulled off our clothes, Meg giggled, “Oooh, someone has had too much to eat today!” I blushed trying to suck in my bloated belly. Meg came over and hugged me. “Hey honey, don’t worry, I think you look really hot! I didn’t mean to embarrass you, dearest!” she cooed. “It’s ok Meg, it seemed like every time I turned around someone was giving me a plate of food. I didn’t want to seem rude so I just kept eating.” I replied.

Meg smiled a kind of wicked smile she had and handed me a neat little gift wrapped package. “Open it Honey, it’s a little surprise for you!” I opened the package and there were several pairs of bikini cut briefs and a variety of colors. I blushed again and Meg giggled. “Do you like them, Matt?” she asked. I looked them over they seemed a bit small, but I had always worn briefs so, this was not a big deal to me. “Yeah they look pretty good to me. Do you really want me to wear bikinis like this? I think they make me look fat.” I asked chuckling. “I think they make you look very sexy to me, honey” replied Meg.

I pulled on a pair and just kidding around I stuck out my still bloated belly. I heard Meg give an involuntary gasp. “Oh sorry babe, did I freak you out looking so fat?” I asked, blushing again. That should have been my first set of clues as to what my future was to be.

Meg seemed to be watching me get dressed, I had always admired her figure when she got dressed in the morning or changed together, but this time she was clearly starring at my middle and butt. “Is everything ok, babe?” I asked. She came over and hugged and kissed me. “Matt, I am so happy I married you, so have such a great body and you are so handsome.” Replied Meg. I chuckled, “Well if I keep eating the way I did today and the reception, there is going to be a lot more of me to love.” I said, patting my belly.
Meg gave me a huge smile, running her hands over my belly and love handles, “That could be arranged, honey”.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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