Must be a dream

chapter 1

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Alex was a very pretty, slim (five-four, one ten), annoying, self-centered little party girl. She had a few friends, most just like her, little teases, who just wanted guys to take them out and entertain them.

Alex was at a bar/restaurant that she had never been to before. She was with some friends and they were drinking and having a good time. The bar was called Zoloff’s and owned by an Eastern European family of gypsy decent.

One of the family’s three daughters, Zolda, who worked at the bar, was totally into maeiusiophilia, to the point that she had created a potion to cause her abdomen to balloon out as if she was eight or nine months pregnant. The potion did cause a weight gain of over fifty pounds, but nearly all of the weight went to her huge belly, though her bottom and thighs grew to compliment her huge belly.

Zolda loved the way she looked. She had been in this condition now for several years. The regulars knew to just appreciate her good service and not comment on her never delivering a baby.

To someone like Alex, Zolda was some sort of freak. When Zolda came to get their order, Alex commented on how “fat” she was. Zolda gave the skinny little Alex a look that could kill. But took their order and went to fill it.

A friend mentioned, “Hey Alex chill ok, we like to come here, that waitress is pretty nice and she is one of the owner’s daughters too!”

Alex, being Alex, just brushed off the advice.

Zolda had on more than one occasion had slipped her potion into the drink of some self-centered little snit and she was going to fix Alex too!

The drinks arrived and Zolda put down Alex’s drink. Alex did thank her, but giggled while looking at Zolda huge belly.

The rest of the night at the bar was un-eventful. The group left the bar pretty late, and someone suggested that they get something to eat. Alex usually did not partake, but she was feeling very hungry for some reason.

They went to a late night “Mickey D’s” and Alex ordered a ton of heavy, greasy food. One of the other girls teased her “you won’t keep a figure like yours eating that stuff, you will get fat!” she giggled. Alex just told, “No way, I work out this won’t affect me at all!”

They dropped Alex at her apartment. She ran up stairs and laid into her stash of “forbidden” fast food. Alex finished it all, feeling a little bloated, she went to bed.

Alex woke up around nine thirty on Sunday morning. She was uncomfortable, it felt that she had rolled over and her panties were binding un-comfortably. She shifted her weight, which felt difficult to do. That didn’t help, so Alex rolled over.

Next thing she new she was on floor, landing on her stomach. “Ouch, shit that hurt! Dammit, what’s going on? God this feels so weird, I must be on my pillow.

Alex felt under herself, “Holy Shit!” She felt a soft round orb, bulging out from her once smooth, flat firm abdomen.

Alex pushed her arms down and drew her knees up to a kneeling position. She looked down and nearly fainted, her belly was touching the floor!

Alex thought. “This has to be a dream, you can’t get nine months pregnant in one night!”

She struggled to get her legs under her and hefted herself onto the bed. The mattress noticeably compressed with her new weight. Alex ran her hand over her now very much expanded bottom. She gasped, her panties were creating a roll of fat over the waist band and the leg openings were painfully tight!

Her belly pushed her legs apart it was so huge and round. She ran her hands over the huge orb bulging out in front of her. It felt smooth and soft to the touch, despite growing overnight, there were no stretch marks or scars at all on her belly.

Alex struggled to her feet, arching her back to support the nearly fifty pounds now protruding from her once svelte frame, she staggered into the bathroom to relieve herself.

She looked in her full length mirror and nearly fainted, “OH MY GOD, I am a huge, pregnant cow! I am so fat! How could this happen?” She waddled over to her scale, she had to stand on it sideways, her belly stuck out so far she could not read the dial. The dial raced to one hundred and fifty eight pounds when she stepped on it. Alex shrieked, “Oh my God I have gained forty-eight pounds in one night! That’s impossible I ate too much last night but not enough to get this fat, oh shit! What if I am pregnant?”

Alex suddenly felt very hungry. She tried to resist, but the hunger was almost painful. She waddled into the kitchen, her first attempt to open the refrigerator door was thwarted by her belly being bumped by the door. She had to open the door and step back to get her belly out of the way.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Fanedfox 2 years
True, it's fiction after all. Thanks for commenting and reading my story.
Karenjenk 2 years
a happy ending
I wish you had slowed it down some
this was a fun morning read!
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for your kind comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it.