Turning the tables

chapter 1

In a moment of panic, or better yet clarity, Billy Tokarski realized that he wasn't so fit and trim anymore. But he had been gis whole life, "What the hell. How did this happened? thought Billy, "looking down at his softened midsection, which softly struggled against his now tight waistband. He could still suck it in, and look quite flat, with a shirt on at least, but that was far from having the rock hard and chisled abs he was used to showing off. Next he tried to flex his abs, to try to bring them out of the obscurity that his recent little bout of weightgain had brought about, but under the layer of fat he'd somehow developed, that was not to be the case. In fact, his efforts actually pushed his "belly" out even further. "A belly? But how?" thought Billy to himself, not realizing that his still fat wife had already turned the tables on him.

"Jesus, I'd better get back in shape," thought Billy to himself, mentally adding, "before I wind up ending like Josphina," his still extremely fat wife. If this kept up, he wouldn't have any room to really criticize her in public, which meant he couldn't truly enjoy his secret fetish of being a dominant feeder.

He did, however, think it was quite cute watching his beautiful three hundred pound wife waddle "fruitlessly" away on the treadmill as she was doing regularly these days. She hadn't always been like this. Before she met Billy, Josphina had been a gymnast with virtually no body fat, but that was also before Billy had gotten his feeder's meat hooks on her.

"It wasn't like she was really gonna lose any weight, was she?" Billy found himself pondering as he watched his still jiggling wifey working out. But who cared. If she lost a few pounds here and there, Billy was sure she'd lose her gumption at some point, as she always had in the past. And he knew or thought he knew what would happen next; Josphina would undoubtedly regain everything she'd lost, plus add even more chubby girth over the muscle she'd developed. As Billy saw it, it was a win-win, but little did he know how far he was from the truth of things. And to make matters even "worse" for Billy was the fact that he was even further from ever getting back in shape again unless that shape was an amorphous blob of fat.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Exmademefat 8 months
I'd submit to this treatment.