Fall Quarter Kelsey

  By Natatat  Premium

Chapter 1

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Kelsey fall quarter:

A plump roll lazily hung over the waistband of her jeans. The hem of her shirt was again tugged down. It was futile. Between her plumping tummy and growing boobs there just simply wasn’t enough fabric to cover both.

She looked especially fat in profile. The beginnings of a double chin could clearly be seen. Her belly was getting closer to pressing against the desk everyday it seemed. I loved watching her eat as she studied. It was an automatic thing for her. I wondered how on earth she justified an entire box of donuts and a huge milkshake. I mean I wasn’t complaining. The thought of what all that would do to her was really making it hard to study. She had grown so plush recently. It happened faster this time.

I had her pegged at maybe 150lbs now. But that depends. She was eating them whole. How many donuts was that now? She didn’t even bat an eye at it all. Was this normal for her?


I saw her push the box away and pull the top off her milkshake. She finished it so fast. I watched her belly push out further. She slammed it down. I watched her do this four more times. By the end her belly was bulging out and she was moaning and hiccuping softly.

“I thought you were trying to get back in shape.”

“I am.”

I gestured to the food.

“Oh I’m just bulking a bit.”


I decided to let it be.

This behavior became the norm for her. I would comment on her diet and she would say some random explanation that made no sense. In the dining commons it was torture to watch. Every time I was sure she couldn’t possibly eat more she would get up and refill her tray. It was fascinating. She seemed determined to get her money's worth.

“Where are you going?”

“To the dining commons.”

“We just ate.”

“I know I’m going there to study.”

I heard her stumble into the dorm at about midnight. She dropped her books on the floor and collapsed on her bed with a loud grunt. The bed groaned in protest. She giggled then groaned. She looked like a turtle stuck on its back. Her growing pudge swaying back and forth with her awkward attempts to sit up. Panting and out of breath she again collapsed on her back. She burped loudly then giggled.


I got an unintelligible groan in reply.


I heard snoring. Whatever I’ll deal with it in the morning. Though the thought of what Kelsey must have been up to to be pinned by her own gut was making me antsy.
23 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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