Blackmail by kelsie... preview

Chapter 1

Besides being your typically bubbly and friendly kind of person, Kelsie seemed like an easy fat-girl mark. I thought she'd be like all the others before her, feeling temporarily blessed by the gods as I swooped in to scoop these big bunnies right off their feet, literally picking up the smallest of such girls, usually under two hundred and twenty pounds. Then, as it was my Motus Operandi, I'd gently pull away, breaking their fat hearts and going back to my billionaire mob wife, Sheila. But this was not to be the case with Kelsie. But I digress, let me get back to Sheila and how this all started.

Sheila too, was one of my marks and infact the great white whale of a catch. I'd lashed on her like a fly to shit, once I realized how loaded she was. But as the old saying goes, "if something looks to good to be true, it probably is." And that was true with Sheila, as well. Sure, there was more money than I could spend, but there was also the added and heavy risk of upsetting her father, a man they called the "Greek".

I didn't know too much about the "Greek", no one did. That was literally his super-power. He ran various types drugs, up and down the Eastern seaboard, and not the street stuff either. The "Greek" could give two shits about the low profitability of street drugs, but preferred the anonimity as well as the profitability that came with cheaply supplying generic drug manufactures their base materials.

Seeing as Shelia had introduced us, and as he opened up to me for some reason, I decided to go all in, and we were married within a few months. I soon discovered that my marriage to Sheila proved more of a guilded cage than anything else though. Whatever Sheila wanted, she got, including drastic liposuctions and plastic surgeries that actually made her look much less attractive to me anyway.

However, due to who her father was, and to be more honest, what her father might have done to me, I played it safe, never cheating... well... until about a year ago, when I finally realized that the big guy actually liked me enough, trusted me enough to finally stop having me tailed.

I know it doesn't speak well to my character, but as soon as I processed this, I'd started making plans to cheat on Sheila. I'd only cheat with fatties, as that's the way I liked them, and as I saw it, they were easy marks. And to me, that I could easily get away with it.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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