Weight gain stories

Weight gain

Sofia: Decadent Influencer in Milan

Embark on Sofia's journey from a chic influencer to a trailblazing figure celebrated for her opulent indulgence. As her curves flourish, she challenges societal norms. 🌟🍽️   More ▼

7 Months Missing

Our narrator reconnects with a close friend after a breakup to learn how he managed to gain a shocking amount of weight in the span of 7 months. His now-ex girlfriend may be all to blame...   More ▼


A former high-school bombshell enters college and succumbs to the freshman 50 in spectacular fashion.   More ▼

Food Porn  

Cristina wants to be a Las Vegas showgirl, and it seemed like her dreams were going nowhere until she meets a handsome stranger who convinces her that success will come for her once she doubles in size and weight.   More ▼

Amassing Andi

A weight gain fetish story about a young woman named Andrea who is dosed with a weight gain drug by her roommate, Adam, in an attempt to make her into his dream girl.   More ▼

A Moment on the Lips...

I’ve always kept my sweet tooth under control but I’ve lost some will power. Outside forces tempt me to loosen up a bit. Once in a while can’t hurt, right? How’s that saying go? A moment on the lips.... I can’t remember the rest of it.   More ▼

The Injury

A story about dealing with injury related gain, kind of a slow burn but closely based on a true story.   More ▼


Jack is a college jock ordered to move up a few weight classes for his wrestling team. Will this beefcake's abs survive after being ordered to pile on the pounds?   More ▼

Lacking Control

Highschool Grad Layla starts her college experience, the pounds start to pile on and she can’t seem to stop.   More ▼

Beauty and the Beast  

Evander is desperate to save himself and his best friend from a fate in the army of a cruel warlord. In is despair, he attempts to steal the beastly witch’s spell book, but gets caught. Now, he has to pay a heavy price to learn magic...   More ▼