Dominant weight gain stories


Switching Seats

Kelly is deeply dissatisfied with her roommate Jane’s behaviour as she keeps getting fatter. When she decides to take matters into her hands, their lives begin to change. A story inspired by a comic made by Better-with-Salt   More ▼

It's Just Bloating - Complete

May is a gluttonous young woman who, as her weight increases, realizes that there's an investment opportunity in obesity. Follow her and her fat friends as they invest in obesity-related tech around the world.   More ▼

Mirror Opposites - Pound for Pound

Tom Bedford has finally started dating his long time friend and crush, Anice. The only problem is that Anice has a live-in whale of a sister who hates his guts. After some trouble, Anice proposes a bet that could end their issues once and for all...   More ▼


True things that have involved my being a Feeder In my life. I am adding some more stories in here. Sorry if it seems confusing I’m trying to get the content out so I don’t forget it. I’ll add more the more likes I get   More ▼

Juicy Jackie  

Jackie becomes the subject of dirty talk/foreplay (bedroom and public) after hitting on Quinn and her boyfriend. Parts include humiliation and slight lesbian.   More ▼

Grocery Store Gains

Blossoming figure and relationship with a grocery store clerk (Chapter 39-42 up now) chapter 42 will probably be the last chapter at least for now.   More ▼

Ethan: the Secret Feeder

Mel is pretty smitten with sexy man, Ethan. So why are all of her friends so against her new crush? But as she uncovers their reasoning, she realises they may have a point...   More ▼

For Science  

Lockdown puts some crazy ideas in your head. What would happen if you just did whatever you wanted just for a while? It’s for science.   More ▼

The Fat Secretary

A man's marriage falls apart after he accidentally knocks up his fat secretary. When his gorgeous wife leaves him, he finds himself stuck with a growing pig of a woman.   More ▼

Freak Love  

COMPLETE 3/10/24 In the 1930s, a skinny chef and a circus fat man find freedom and bliss together. Light slob/gas, light power play (male dom/fem sub), stuffing, adoring domesticity. Also, loads of historical inaccuracies.//   More ▼
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