Resistant weight gain stories


Dan’s Beauty Serum 1: Claiming an Indian Bride

Chapter 1: Dawn's world is flipped upside down when her fiance's new serum transforms her body into something unrecognizable. My first story, ever. Enjoy   More ▼


New Flatmate

When Dan's friend moves in with him, he begins to understand his desires for his body and his feelings for her.   More ▼

Red Flavour

When a demon of gluttony and excess descends upon Victorian London high society, the lives of two young women will never be the same again. Story based on - or at least inspired by - Dracula by Bram Stoker.   More ▼

Daniel Explodes

A determined female feeder causes her chubbing boyfriend to blow up -- in more ways than one! Inspired by the classic BBW stuffing story "Dessert".   More ▼


A feisty young woman is captured by her worst enemy, the great grandson of the evil sorcerer who cursed her family. However, his intentions are not what she was expecting!   More ▼

Sarah's Secret Journal

A woman who was abducted and awakens in a basement dungeon finds a secret journal documenting the previous captives' attempts at escape, and their ultimate fate. This story is a collection of journal entries from multiple characters.   More ▼

Heavy Sleep

A girl struggling with insomnia, decides to try a new guided sleep meditation with unexpected side effects. (FTF, BBW, XWG Another short one off concept I was mulling around.)   More ▼

Too Fat

A chilling tale about a feedee who attracts the attention of reclusive mad scientist feeder. She finds herself forced to grow bigger than her wildest dreams.   More ▼

Hansel's Feast - a Fantastic Tale

Poor Hansel, lost in the woods and now starving hungry. Luckily he finds the house of his dreams - made entirely of food! But what will he do when he finds it belongs to a sexy witch who wants to feed and eat him? Can he escape and does he want to?   More ▼