Resistant weight gain stories


The Bath We Shared

Just a sensual vignette with romance, candles, bubbles -- plus a bit of fattening and feeding!   More ▼

Forced Indulgance

Lindsey thought her endless fad diets would save her waist line, but what happens when outside forces cause her to Balloon bigger and bigger   More ▼

Bounty Harping

A beautiful bounty hunter finds more gold then she can bargin for.   More ▼

Growing Jolly

As the holidays near, Bruce has the idea to run a special promotion for his new gym, and his fat-bellied boyfriend Nico is the perfect candidate to be the star... Christmas-themed sequel to Growing Comfortable.   More ▼

Fighting the Fat

After an injury, an MMA fighter succumbs to his genetics with the "help" of his family. Can he lose the weight before his girlfriend comes back from a business trip?   More ▼

Becoming Her Bulk

Now & Then

Blackmail by Kelsie... Preview

The Injury

Broken Heart, Healed With Food and Love

This is about as sweet as anything I have ever written. Hearts break, but food and fattening can heal the wounds. About the redemptive power of love and brownies.   More ▼