Straight weight gain stories


Shaping Bodies  

Two inventors discover a process that creates fat in women. They become able to enlarge breasts and reshape bodies. They later find that they can make women more alluring in only minutes. Implants will become a thing of the past.   More ▼

The Virgin and the Tycoon


Michael suspects his wife is cheating on him when he goes through her phone's internet history and text messages, only to discover that it's not another man, that's the problem.   More ▼

Four Dates With Fatty

Newly-single Charlie decides to explore his 'thing' for bigger girls, and finds a girl who's up for more than he bargained for - including public teasing, force-feeding, and humiliation.   More ▼

All In  

Phoebe dives headfirst into the wild world of feedism, indulging in fantasies of extreme gluttony and uncontrollable weight gain. As her body balloons to unimaginable sizes, she captures the devotion of admirers and the thrill of pushing boundaries.   More ▼

The Wicked Step-mother

Taking an instant dislike to her step-daughter's new boyfriend, Marie decides to put a stop to their relationship. Daniel may be a handsome boy now, but that wouldn't always be the case...   More ▼

Stuffed Like the Pasta (complete)  

Crystal (22F) has to face some weighty truths after food started satiating all her feelings during a complicated relationship with her manager, Travis (29M), at the Italian restaurant.   More ▼

Domestic Bliss

*1-2 chapters added daily is the goal** Domestic discipline, force-feeding, weight gain, mind control, and multiple pregnancies. Gradual build that includes adult sex scenes. Consensual relationship.   More ▼

Flirting With Fat

Roxanne is a shameless gold-digger who knows just how to get the fat boys on her side. But as her gifts start rolling in, her own pounds start piling on.   More ▼

The Wicked Stepmother: Fattening Jack to the End

A young man with supressed feedee urges gets a sexy new stepmom whose dark desires & fattening ways eventually take him to the ultimate extreme. Warning: V. dark ending! NSFW sexy times FFA, Female Feeder, BHM, XWG, Sub/Dom, Lactation, Force Feedin   More ▼