Sexy weight gain stories

Doctor's Orders

Overwatch story, feat. D.Va x Mercy. When D.Va is injured in battle, she must face a long, boring recovery – affording her time to fill her gaming addiction. But she will discover another addiction as the pounds pile on... W/G denial, Yuri, sexuality   More ▼

F80 Control

Having won a competition, Holly is delighted to meet the lover of her dreams. Handsome, strong and made almost entirely from steel, she has no idea that this android sexbot is about to lead her down a very dark path...   More ▼

Big Gut Energy [commission]  

COMPLETE 9/30/23 A commissioned novella. Dan's a bit shy, but when Liv tell him about her fetish, he starts gaining for his love. His weight increases, and his confidence goes up with every pound! Light gas, humiliation, XWG, lactation, light BDSM   More ▼

Kandy Is so Fattening

Kandy seems sweet at first, but reveals herself to be an evil FFA who turns a chubby ex-jock college dropout into her private submissive obese plaything. Very dark, as dark as a cell where you await your feeder   More ▼

Training and His Diet  

Cameron starts his new diet and yoga training has started. Part two of secrets. Work in progress. Forgot what I decided to call the girl. More in the works but kinda lost track. Let me know what you want to see   More ▼

Camp Feed

Welcome to Camp Feed , where big tough men go to indulge their secret desires and become submissive little feedees. At the mercy of Mistress Jade they will be pushed to grow, not only physically, but mentally and sexually as well. WEEKLY RELEASE   More ▼

The Secretary's Spread

New Chapter Updated 1/16 Hillary is a young professional trying to climb the ladder. She took a gamble to find a way in. We're now with her after the consequences of her plan gone astray. Collaboration with Berserker1133.   More ▼

Grocery Store Gains

Blossoming figure and relationship with a grocery store clerk (Chapter 43 published aug 9th) sorry for the delay   More ▼

Bad Girls

Josh is surprised when his accidental holiday weight leads to a whole new level of female attention. Maybe tight, lean abs aren't the way to a girl's heart...   More ▼

Fat for Christmas  

A young woman from the city goes out to the country and meets all sorts of quaint characters who all seem to be trying to fatten her up.   More ▼