Sexy weight gain stories

College Weight

Plot driven slow burn, the first few chapters are only gonna hint to feedism and then its gonna get really spicy trust the process let me cook College fiction about a friend group and two people falling in love and exploring feedism together.   More ▼

The Fortune

Kat was a mean and shredded gym rat with a taste for humiliating fat women, until she decides to have her fortune read one day. As her appetite spiked, panic set in. Will Kat manage to somehow escape her destiny or have to swallow her fate?   More ▼

Food Is Love

Princess Mrella must wed King Saddiq for the good of her kingdom. Her people have fallen into famine, while he has plenty to spare. The man seems nice enough, but how can she survive a place where fat is prized with her waist intact? Updates Fridays   More ▼

The Gain of Skywalker  

With the stress of being the galaxy's last hope, Rey has developed unhealthy eating habits and to her surprise, she has begun to enjoy the extra padding she has developed. She happily continues to eat until someone slips something into her food...   More ▼

Candy Finds Herself

Candy wins a trip to Vegas, where she learns of her own secret desires and ends up eating far more than she had been told to. Far, FAR more. In the process she makes an admirer. Stuff happens, to people, IN A PLACE!   More ▼

Cakes and Computers  

She only meant to have her laptop fixed, but when the IT guy discovers the sites she frequents, pants go down and bellies come out. This is a feedism erotica you’ll be craving another slice of!   More ▼

Bound and Fattened

Spare Room

Anthony is a very fat and gluttonous chef who owns a very cute bakery just in the outskirts of town. One day, he catches one of his employees sleeping on his car, after they admit they are broke, Tony invited them to live with him, in the spare room…   More ▼

The Elder God’s Wife

Scarlett is an archeologist who goes spelunking in the world’s deepest cave in search of the temple to an ancient god. She soon finds out that he’s real and he’ll never let her leave.   More ▼

Diet Disaster

A weight gain fetish story. Daniella is the office secretary at the school Trevor teaches at. Trevor loves to see women gain weight and Daniella’s appetite and job make her the perfect woman for him to watch grow!   More ▼