Sexy weight gain stories

My Gaining Story Volume 2 - After 400


What starts out as a mutually beneficial arrangement quickly spirals into an addiction with unusual side effects. Credit goes to Quiver who shared this fun little concept and inspired me to flesh it out into a full short story.   More ▼

The Big Ask

Finally you work up the nerve to tell the love of your life about your preference for larger women. Will she accept you and your desires? Will she decide to gain for you?   More ▼

Own You.

A slim dreamer gets a corporate gig to pay the bills, but he has no idea what the CEO has planned for him...   More ▼

Belly of the Banshee- Complete  

A weight gain story about a woman scratched by a mythical Irish banshee while on vacation in Ireland. She finds herself rapidly gaining weight in her belly as she turns into a banshee herself.   More ▼

The Mirror

Ana's reflection has always been a little off. These days, it seems her reflection is leading a decidedly more interesting life than she is, and it makes Ana wonder what exactly she is missing out on. TW: possible body dismorphia   More ▼

Judy and Jealousy

Judy has always envied her sister Peggy. Peggy was the pretty one, the thin one. But when Judy finds her love of stuffing herself, and a man who likes that too, everything changes, even Peggy   More ▼

Quality Control

The new staff always gain a few pounds at this factory. But the chubby new girl isn't expecting the humiliation and exploitation that awaits her.   More ▼

The Irresistible Deal

Michael is a brilliant student with a sweet tooth. Jim is an athlete who is too busy to do his schoolwork and owns a candy store. What will take for Jim to convince Michael to do his schoolwork?   More ▼

The Fat Waitress  

A guy attracted to a fat waitress and the sexy way in which she shows off her belly, slowly realizes that its his own belly that is key to winning her heart.   More ▼