Family weight gain stories

Little Girl Lost 1

A Shift in Lifestyle

A college freshman has to balance her school with her fast food service job. What effect will it take on her waistline?   More ▼

Agent Michael Conway... Preview

Bristol, Ks: Revisited

A journalist travels to a small Kansas years after its residents mysteriously started growing fat and obese   More ▼

You're Filling Out Nicely Pig Part 3 (end)

The end of the story of how a stripper got tricked by his ex girlfriend into gaining weight   More ▼

Study Your Butt On

Michelle finds that some wishes come with a cost.   More ▼

Little Girl Lost 6

conclusion of the story. warning: contains my usual erotic sensuality as well as a happy ending. for previous story parts go to my profile/stories.   More ▼

The Fat Reunion

A couple goes to a family reunion that will last three weeks. It turns out to be a three weeklong gorge!   More ▼

His Island Hideaway 2

His Island Hideaway