Sexy weight gain stories

Mark and Ilsa

Ilsa is a thin and beautiful fashion designer but also a closet FFA/feeder. Mark is a handsome model with an entire career in fitness modeling but has a secret of his own. What will happen when their secrets are exposed?   More ▼

Fatter and Fatter

For so long it was Jack, his husband Dan and their son Alfie. But Dan was now gone, Jacks feeding finally pushed his strained heart to far, now he has no one left to feed… apart from his 18 year old son Alfie. Warning: Dark themes ahead.   More ▼

A Little Too Big

An early 20’s college girl starts to get turned on by thoughts of getting fatter. Despite being hesitant at first, her new boyfriend enables her to grow from slightly chubby, to obese, to unrecognizable in just a few short years.   More ▼

Accepting New Roles

A young man and his roommate discover some shocking truths about themselves as they struggle to adjust to living during lockdown. Contains: Transition, feminization, cozy romance, and a gigantic booty. Very x-rated.   More ▼

The World’s Fattest Mom

[CHAPTERS 5 - 8 ADDED] A young woman gets pregnant and gains a lot of weight (contains xwg pregnancy sex)   More ▼

The Chester Brothers

The Chester brothers are handsome boys and always have been. But, for some reason, their family is always very keen to get the boys married off before they turn 30...   More ▼

Slave to Her Desire

On a dark quiet night a man is captured and held captive by a SSBBW who loves to break men and turn them into her playthings. [Story Complete]   More ▼

Fall of a Volleyball Player

(to be continued)Olivia, a very good volleyball player, makes fun of everyone with her arrogant attitude. With her new lifestyle, her performance and physique crash   More ▼

A Taste for Big Guys

Sure, he's packed on a few, but not that many. Or so he thinks, whining his denial that he’s getting fat. A seductive mistress tempts him into a wager he can't resist.   More ▼

The Handsome Devil  

A bubbly and up-and-coming mage girl meets a strange kind of monster in the woods, and decides to go back to his lair after a little pleasurable encouragement. (More chapters to come!)   More ▼