Sexy weight gain stories

The Ultimate Succubus Temptation

A sensuous succubus fattens you up. Will you trade your soul for the sinful pleasures of gluttony and lust? You really can’t help yourself, can you? Written in 2nd person style with reader as “you”. As dark a story as I have ever written. Enjoy.   More ▼

An Adventure in the Woods

Hansel and Gretel decide to spend some time toghehter but things go south from there. Will they be able to escape the witch?   More ▼

Jade's Joy

When a girl who eats when she's happy finds herself in the perfect relationship, how much weight does she gain?   More ▼


When Tracy summons a being of pure pleasure, she has no idea what it will awaken in her.   More ▼

The Bet Continued...  

The Bet

The Dough Girl

Your Dreams and Mine

Have you put on a few pounds since starting a new relationship? In this simple tale, a devious feeder dreams up "big" plans for a new lover. (Note: Feeder/ee ambiguous in gender, sexual orientation for all to enjoy)   More ▼

Hellooo Nurse!

Incurably ill Dean Evans has been left to die in the public hospital system. Middle-aged nurse Becky Larson heals him with her love, innate fat sexiness, and eventually something deliciously more.   More ▼

The Bouncer

A model encounters a huge bouncer who asks her to try "one milkshake". Check back for more chapters!! Contains: sex scenes, lactation, wg, pig/cow transformation, breast expansion and coercion (not an endorsement of said behavior in real life! Duh)   More ▼