Sexy weight gain stories

More and More and More to Love

My Fat Valentine (1)

COMPLETED. Kylie and Dan have been dating for three years and three hundred pounds. On their Valentine's Day date, Kylie's boyfriend takes advantage of the fact that his habits have clearly rubbed off on her figure throughout the years.   More ▼

The Delivery Boy

A delivery boy from the local pizza place meets a man, who will make him grow. Slightly slower build but bare with me.   More ▼

Family Feeding Time

This story follows the trials and tribulations of a family falling helplessly into obesity�some are afraid of losing control, while others relish the feeling. Involves stuffing, sex, and some light humiliation.   More ▼

Fraternity of Fatties

A heavily (emphasis on heavy) embellished account of my college fraternity life a few years ago. [Image by @1fatguy on DeviantArt]   More ▼

By the Shores of Lake Aranel

Emily: P.o.v - 760 Pounds

A story through the eyes of Emily. I’ll do more of these at different weights, I would recommend reading ‘the rise of Emily’ first before reading this. Hope you enjoy!   More ▼

Bionic Babes: Business Binge  

Premature E"fat"ulation (true Story) - Premium  

The Hostess

Stranded in the forest by a blizzard, a stranger is welcomed into a cottage by a voluptuous hostess who has "big plans" for his stay.   More ▼