Sexy weight gain stories

About Will Power

A shorter story in the same world as �All that she wants� but with a different BBW/FA and a scheming couple who learn who's will really is stronger. BDSM, Force feeding, XWG, SSBBW, sex, i don't own the pic.   More ▼

Dominating the Weak Fatboy

Cheeseburgers and Stethoscopes

Mark is single, in a bad mood and as if things couldn't get worse, he's injured his shoulder in the gym. Will his luck turn around when he falls in love with the handsome, pot-bellied Doctor who treats him?   More ▼

You Gotta Teach Her a Lesson...

Rolling Meadows

(NOT FINISHED, much more to come, Chapter 7+8 added) Autumn signs up for a weight gain study, not realizing what it entails. This will involve several characters gaining weight, feeding, etc. Slow build up if you like that kind of story.   More ▼

Couples Wish

This is not one singular story. It is a collection of stories that have the same protagonists. Each chapter is a different adventure or mishap.   More ▼

Blind Date With a Feeder

Freddy has no idea what to expect in his first date with FFA/feeder Nancy. Will their dreams come true in a romantic feast of epic proportions, ending with a night of passion? You know the answer already. Enjoy the romance.   More ▼

Reversal of Fortunes

This Isn't Working... or Is It?  

How to Build a Happy Marriage

A (slight) change of pace from my usual stories, in this tale we meet a young couple whose lives are thrown into disarray when the wife begins to experiment with some new kinks. Contains cuckolding and feminization.   More ▼