Sexy weight gain stories

A Hefty Halloween Reunion

Maria looks for an old crush at a Halloween party, and finds more than she could have hoped for. (Contains teasing and light humiliation. Will contain sexually explicit scenes.)   More ▼

The Student Body

[complete story] Hey, have you noticed the college's mess hall sure seems popular with the ladies?   More ▼

What We Lost When You Grew Me

You and I, we had an active sex life once upon a time. But then you grew me beyond our means... and now we don't. Gender-neutral soft sub/dom tale about the inevitability of fat. CW: loss of mobility, explicit descriptions of sex. 5 min read   More ▼

New Beginnings

Can an amusement park rekindle the flames between Jeffrey and his health-nut girlfriend?   More ▼

The Milk Maid

Dinner Rewards

Girlfriend spoils her feedee with rewards for eating homemade dinner; he's a bit of a pig but she's a bit of a brat   More ▼

Too Fat

A chilling tale about a feedee who attracts the attention of reclusive mad scientist feeder. She finds herself forced to grow bigger than her wildest dreams.   More ▼


The Fatcility

Abby is taken to a facility designed to help a failing government crack down on obesity and fulfil other objectives... a work in progress.   More ▼


Not the final title! The first two chapters now pretty much finished. The first part of Chapter 3 is up now. An unnamed man goes back to his home town, meets up with an old friend and things go from thereā€¦   More ▼