Sexy weight gain stories

The Weasel of Malgoren

A street urchin living in the fringes of a wealthy fantasy city finds her way into the prosperity of the upper classes, but doesn't realize what she may sacrifice as she leaves the streets behind her. *contains weight struggles /weight gain /stuckage   More ▼

Kelsey Spring and Summer Quarter  

the Continued story of my college roommates weight gain and the emotional turmoil involved in the ever changing relationships in our lives. Involving lesbian, straight, bi. I’ll add more the more likes I get. Slowly adding more.   More ▼

To Study a Feedee

A group of psychology students blindly sign up for the most intense course of their lives and soon find themselves packing on the pounds as they seek to understand the mentality behind online feederism culture.   More ▼

Feeder Wanted (a Cautionary Tale)

Taylor leaves a 4-year relationship with Jade after she discovers his fetish. A classified ad from the beautiful Curvage model, Thickhips666, finds him and he soon becomes entangled in a very voluptuous love triangle. (Erotic, female weight gain)   More ▼

Expectations Exceeded

This is the sequel to "Exceeding expectations" and the true story of my relationship with my partner. Rachel and I have been together for a decade now and since then she's put on more than 200 pounds.   More ▼

Surfer Girl

My life changed the day I pick-up the cute hitchhiking surfer girl. A sweet romance about body acceptance, positive self esteem, fat appreciation and of course weight gain. Oh with a lot of sex. A lot.   More ▼

The Model's Waddle

Story Complete~ Sarah's been a model since graduating from High school, forced to keep her body skinny for her job. When she finds a book with a weight swap spell in it, the beautiful blonde hatches an plan that will give her a bigger body for a day.   More ▼

Never Trust a Thin Chef

COMPLETED 12/6/23! the cover art is by little_king_terry on tumblr. When a human FFA meets a supersized Tiefling chef, sparks fly! He's always dreamed of a smaller partner to dominate and crush, while she's always dreamed of a man as big as him.   More ▼

Le Beurre (butter)

Theo works a job he hates and comes home to an empty apartment every night. His cat, Oliver, is his only true companion. After one drunken night on the net, he gets a text the following day that will change his life forever.   More ▼

It's Just Bloating - Complete

May is a gluttonous young woman who, as her weight increases, realizes that there's an investment opportunity in obesity. Follow her and her fat friends as they invest in obesity-related tech around the world.   More ▼
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