Sexy weight gain stories

A Little Big Pig

* One chapter story * You've been in a relationship with a girl who turned you into her pig   More ▼

Donut Dessert

Becoming Bettie

After Beth loses her job she finds staying at home different than expected and illuminating.   More ▼

Discovering New Desires

Gaining a roommate to deal with loneliness after the loss of my parents lead's to a unconventional relationship, new desires and a future I could never have expected before.   More ▼

Intrusive Thoughts

A girls internal and eternal struggle between conventional and unconventional. This is the story of her demise or awakening. To become herself to give in to the intrusive thoughts. Her desire to grow. To eat. To give in to hedonism.   More ▼

The King and the Stable Girl

Hunting for Pleasure

Complete short. Photo used with permission, see more Nick @tumblr: nito1313; feabie: GodEmperorofCats. A bold Slayer meets an unusual vampire who introduces her to bliss beyond anything she's known. Self-discovery, hedonism, and stuffing! Set ~1900.   More ▼

Cake Chess

Two regular size girls play chess with cakes instead of the chess pieces and are being fed when a piece is captured.   More ▼

The Side Chick

Gorgetown University