Sexy weight gain stories

Brood Mother

In the future fertility is at an all-time low. The world collective government requires selected women to become full time breeders to birth children. Follow the journey of one of those women.   More ▼


An aspiring SSBHM director, still in college, struggles with his self-image, until a gorgeous, slim classmate shows him how hot he already is.   More ▼

Outgrowing Spiderman - Tom Holland X Andrew Garfield

Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield meet on set for their newest Spiderman film. Together, they start to learn to indulge and redefine the role of Spiderman while learning to join their time together off set through food.   More ▼

Bad Boss

Hollywood Gains: a Fantasy Feeder Anthology Story

The story is a parody featuring real life celebrities if they were fictional versions of themselves. This story it was deemed to idiotic by fantasy feeder and ConJohn who doesn't give a rat's ass about someone's ideas. Hollywood Gains. Enjoy the show   More ▼

Their Special Chemistry

The Bad Doctor

Heather has been piling on the pounds, and her personal doctor has his own recommended treatment.   More ▼

Judy's Gal Pal Has Dinner

F/M Vore, F/F romance, I mean, just a fat butch feedee being platonic friends with a married totally-straight woman who loves to cook and has a horrible husband. Nothing gay about this. Totes. ;)   More ▼

Highschool Sweethearts Saga

In this tale two teens find themselves gradually falling in love with both each other, and the allure of feederism. Story commissioned by ssbbw_charlotte on instagram.   More ▼

The Queens Favorites

Queen Sylvi has some specific preferences... Focuses on male weight gain (3 feedees) at the hands of a slim female feeder. The main relationships (feeding & smut) are m/f but there will be some m/m/f scenes and and minor m/m scenes. ongoing   More ▼