Sexy weight gain stories

My Big Fat Hypnotized Wedding

Cynthia, a frustrated feeder, takes her shy BBW girlfriend Janie to a wedding, where she hatches an evil plan with the best man Steve to hypnotize her into stuffing herself silly, but what happens when Janie wants to stuff herself with Steve's cock?   More ▼

Matthew Blanche Slob/blob Oneshot

Something in between the main story to hold over. Contents are listed on the tin, this is exactly what it sounds like.   More ▼

It's Time for the Tube

A nearly thousand pound gainer gets tube fed and serviced by his feeder   More ▼

When You Know

Written for someone special. A bit corny and romantic. Fluffy even. Just a bit of pleasant fantasy and that’s all.   More ▼

Kelly’s Big Belly

Kelly is a 29-year old career surrogate who also has a love of stuffing herself. The story is still very much a work in progress, but features themes of stuffing, weight gain, pregnancy, and maybe some romance along the way!   More ▼

Living With a Fat Girl

This is my newest story on here. I haven't posted in a long time so my writing is better than the other stories I've written. Anyway this is a simple story that is not too complicated. There is some mention of slub and some spicy sex at the end.   More ▼

Tricia's Choice

Tricia works as a nurse in a busy hospital by day and is attending online training by night. Her life is upended when she falls for two attractive men simultaneously. Torn between her two lovers, she she must choose just one of these polar opposites.   More ▼

Tailor Made

An insecure feedee goes on a date with a Tailor. Can she trust him to be the feeder of her dreams? A seductive, indulgent romance. Bon appétit. Cover art made in Blender. All feedback welcome.   More ▼

The Wolf

Lucy fancied herself a cunning seductress. She had conquered many prior bosses and used her position to her advantage. At a new company, she plans to dominate her boss just like the others. Things don’t go the way she planned, but does she like it?   More ▼

The Time Traveler