Sexy weight gain stories

Growing Jolly

As the holidays near, Bruce has the idea to run a special promotion for his new gym, and his fat-bellied boyfriend Nico is the perfect candidate to be the star... Christmas-themed sequel to Growing Comfortable.   More ▼

Her Creation

Another sensual vignette, lovingly intimate, sexually explicit because for some that's what it's all about   More ▼


Gemma and Tom

Helen's Padding Dream

IA Generated Story on Helen a young women who is into padding and frequently posts photos of her padded body gets a message asking to meet an admirer. She decides to meet in public padded.   More ▼

Amazing Fattening Offer

Kate comes up with a wonderful idea to finally start fattening up her boyfriend Alex, but will Alex agree and will everything go according to plan?   More ▼

The Master and the Sow

A sow wakes up and starts feeding with the help of her Master.   More ▼


Wife and feedee husband reach work from home goals. One-shot, completed.   More ▼

Confessions of a Bodybuilder

I must confess: I am a bodybuilder. It's an obsession I have that I can't tell my lover about. If I do, I might scare him off before I am all done building his big beautiful body! If he opens his mouth to complain about getting fat, I shall fill it   More ▼

I'm Gonna Make Her Fat