Sexy weight gain stories

Santa Baby

The Cleansing


The Caretaker

How big can you get when you have a caretaker by your side? Written in a way where you can feel like the story is about you. *Warning: there is writing about incontinence*   More ▼

A Caramel Apple a Day

You've been avoiding this for a while, haven't you, chubs? Male x Undefined. 1st person PoV. 1 chapter.   More ▼

Influencer to Live Piggy

Little Girl Lost 1

Phucket Gets Phatter


A wannabe feedee wakes up suddenly fat, with his girlfriend somehow in on his desires. A day of gluttony ensues.   More ▼


Wilson Barbers Story A stick of a woman finds a magical set of lingerie after visiting the Laundromat.   More ▼