Sexy weight gain stories

In Love

I fell in love with a very big woman   More ▼

Progress Report

Padding Together

AI Generated story about Monica a girl obsessed with fat girls that discover padding   More ▼

His Guardian Angel

Little Girl Lost 6

conclusion of the story. warning: contains my usual erotic sensuality as well as a happy ending. for previous story parts go to my profile/stories.   More ▼

The Ritual

My submission for the March story prompt. A quick lesbian scifi blurb set in a reality reminiscent of startrek. Trigger warnings: (I attempted to write alien variety horror ), sexual themes/implications, and mild dystopian vibes   More ▼

The Speckled Waistband

Adrien"s Dilemma

Making a True Whale

A human male comes across a female whale gal, she’s a bit on the heavy side, but to his she’s no where near heavy enough to be considered a true whale. What starts as a friendly date tires into a intense fattening.   More ▼

His Island Hideaway 2