Sexy weight gain stories

Cookie Monster Preview

Work in progress. First chapter preview. A couple starts an onlyfans called “cookie monster” the “guests” and fans are given choices that are somewhat ambiguous and misleading   More ▼

Reuniting Again

Megan is a girl who is a bit on the larger size and after her first semester of college she's even bigger, hopefully not causing any problems when her childhood friend and her biggest crush comes to visit.   More ▼

His Island Hideaway

Plump Secretary

First try at writing. His secretary seems to have gained weight. He loves it. He loves her embarrassed self. He wants to make her fatter.   More ▼

Her Last Gym Session

A woman has one last gym session before she submits to becoming a feedee   More ▼

Naven's Greed [patreon Commission]

Naven a kemo dragon, human with horns and tail, is too short. One day he comes across a magic lamp... Contains rapid gains   More ▼

Date Night

a brief story about a sensual milkshake stuffing...   More ▼

Losing Control

A female weight gain perspective as a thin woman indulges her fetish and lets herself go. This will be added to over time, growing as Bunny does.   More ▼

A Thanksgiving Feast

David’s First Year at University

David has finally moved out of his parents house. Into a university shared accommodation with 9 other guys. He’s the cocky jock of the group. This is a base story, I’ll add more detail later or you can add your own too.   More ▼