Sexy weight gain stories

Dream'd - Largetwink

This was released on New Year's Day 2022. This was a vivid dream in which I had and had to document. This story would later inspire me to jump back into weight gain writing once again. oh also this isn't FFA in ANY way.   More ▼

What Shall Become of You?

A demanding dom seduces a submissive into a world in which nothing is certain -- except feeding and fattening. (Written so feedee and feeder maybe of any gender or sexual orientation.). Enjoy life to the fullest.   More ▼

Hornet's Berry Interesting Expansion 1)

This story begins deep within the tunnels of hallownest below the surface of the peaks and dirtmouth within the lush green of green path and the mad citizens taking revenge.   More ▼

Feed Pig

Balloras Big Bashes 5)

In the small town of hurricane ran a successful business known as Fredbears family diner run by 2 men Henry Emily who created the ideas robots and what not. The other William afton was more so the business side of things. William had a bit of an idea   More ▼

A Dwarves Alenating Experience 3)

This story begins in the world of Rostm in the mountain peaks to the north lay the dwarven kingdom of Rolune. The kingdom was carved in the deepest caverns of Rostm. The leader has been dumped and is looking for a good time   More ▼


A man becomes enamored with his sweet and curvy coworker on a business trip. This a censored version of a longer and more explicit story found exclusively on my Patreon.   More ▼


I almost wish this was a run of the mill story, revenge, cozy acceptance, scandalous romance, but no, This is not that story. So please be warned: This should not be attempted at home. _________________________________   More ▼


I'm a big Supernatural fan with a crush on Dean, so this is a slow burn about him gaining. Familiarity with the characters required to understand. Southern Louisiana is the backdrop for FFA fun.   More ▼

Widened Warrior Woman

She went from buff to fluff for the guy she likes. Now she just has to seduce him. Thumbnail by SoftService   More ▼