Sexy weight gain stories

Blooming Daisy  

Daisy wanted to be immobile one day, to be a living water bed only able to feel good, eating and getting fatter by the second. She confided this fantasy in her boyfriend Chuck. He said he was fine with it. Was he honest? Only time will tell.   More ▼


Taking After Amy

Slim, married Lucy has been fit and trim all her life. But after starting a new job, she develops a compulsive crush on her super-obese co-worker, Amy. Now she not only wants Amy, she wants to be just like her. Brand new 33-35 (old ending scrapped).   More ▼

A Trip in America

This is new story featuring two thin and young protagonists, Lena and Michael. Having recently completed their business school studies, the pair has made plans to embark on a year-long trip. They might indulge in some treats during their travels.   More ▼

Nick's Lucky Break  

Synopsis: Nick is a subcontractor working on a mansion job in Beverly Hills. The homeowner is a real piece of work and, in a last-minute bind, forces Nick to stay late to help her out. But it’s more than money that Nick receives from an unlike source   More ▼

Her Humiliation

The story of a first crush and how those lingering feelings can have a lasting impact while life moves forward. Note/Warning: Main Character struggles with fatphobia and uses semi-disparaging language Latest Update: 8/17 - Chapter 48 (Epilogue B)   More ▼

Mina's Growth

Mina gets a taste of indulgence in university, and with a supportive partner, embraces gluttony in a way that will forever alter her life for the better***First story, feedback welcome - Chapter 24 added*** Please leave a like for additional chapters   More ▼

It's a Psychle  

Jane had a normal life, until a, supposedly routine, visit to her new therapist, ends very differently than expected. Dark plots and, seemingly unnatural events unfold. Content warning contains psychological manipulations.   More ▼

Essence of the Dragon  

Most legends come out of some scientific basis of fact. Is there more out there that we have yet to discover? I always struggled with strange ideas and thoughts of fantastical creatures. That said, I'll try to tell you my unbelievable story.   More ▼

The Feeling's Mutual

Jessica and Amanda are new roommates making their way in life post college. A spin-off/addition to the Sterling University Universe, watch two alums struggle with their new living arrangements, life-styles, and desires.   More ▼