Sexy weight gain stories

Feeding My Vampire Girl

A detective gives a vampire a way to feed without murder: stuff herself then let her drink her blood   More ▼

Stuffing on Set - Tom Holland X John Krasinski

Tom Holland and John Krasinski co-star in a new Hollywood action movie, and grow closer as their appetite grows with their new taste in junk food...   More ▼

Alex & Sky Tour the Chocolate Factory

A Patreon comm from JJBinx. Features rapid and immobile/blob weight gain, feederism, stuffing, and a gay couple. Sexual activity occurs. Both are kemonomimi (human with animal ears/tail).   More ▼

Ssbhm Pear

I want to become a pear shaped fat man. I want a huge set of moobs and get so wide. I want fat rolls hanging everywhere and big soft arms with fat hanging off bigger than a bbw's belly. My penis covered by fat. My fat woman having to fuck me šŸ˜.   More ▼

Spoiled Greed

More of money grubbing Mammon, here he gets spoiled after winning a contest, inspired by a few lines from the game. Sara Faye belongs to me, Levi, Mammon, Diavolo, copyright Solmare   More ▼

A Captured Pig

Greedy Feedee Steals Feederā€™s Food

A reverse power structure story snippet of a greedy feedee who is dominant over the feeder, pushing them into sexual service to earn food, keeping them starving and taking all the food for themselves   More ▼

An Unearthly Experience

A Stuffed Kitten

An obedient kitten gets a well-deserved stuffing from her daddy after a long day already spent eating   More ▼

Epicureanism Erotica: Eating for Me., Eat From Me, Eat to Please.

There are so many ways to say eat for me... but how about we let My muffled moans beneath your increasing weight do the talking. One... more... bite.   More ▼