Sexy weight gain stories

Opposites Attract 2

Samples for the Sow (teaser)

Fat Tuesday and to His Feeder Mistress

For 2022 Fat Tuesday!! Two shorter works - a 69-word erotic story about female gainer during Lent and my BHM take on "To His Coy Mistress." Hope you enjoy one or the other!   More ▼


The Nutritionist

This is the story of how the men in my life became the men they were meant to be. (Contains a bit of incest and polygamy)   More ▼

Be Your Own Pet

Short scene between a female feeder and a male feedee. Some light hints of bdsm, but playful overall. Hope you enjoy it! And let me know if you'd like to see more, thanks!   More ▼

W.a.p. (what a Pig) Part 1, Abridged/censored

First part of 3 part series, this is the story of a young couple exploring their feedist desires, and discovering the joys of being fat and getting fatter. Will things get out of hand, and who exactly is in charge? FULL VERSION on Patreon.   More ▼

A Brief, Perfect Afternoon

Explicit sexual content. Fat AFAB person, fed by their BHM lover, has the experience they have dreamt of for quite some time.   More ▼

In the Shadows: a Neo Zeon Affair

A commission from discord, an AU Mobile Suit Gundam fanfic with a (futa) Marida Cruz and (not-futa) Haman Karn is alive. And won. 10 years after 1st Neo Zeon War, so both adults. WG & cumflation ahead.   More ▼

Kate's *big* Surprise

Kate has a giantess growth and weight gain fetish. And for no reason gets to experience both! (This was originally written in 2012, only edits were typos). Art by Miss Busty!   More ▼