A Fattening Encounter

Chapter 1

Sally was driving home from the Club in her BMW X5 SUV, she was in a hurry as usual.
She almost ran into the old beat up VW micro-van in the same lane. Sally being very self center, was annoyed that anyone would be in her way. She swerved around the VW cutting back in front of it and accelerating off.

The driver of the VW was a plump, pleasant older woman, who was quite aghast that anyone would be so rude, even driving. She was also a witch, not the wicked witch of the west type of witch , but a practitioner of spells and potions. She saw the skinny self absorbed Sally and decided it was time for a change for her.

The chanted an incantation while staring at Sally. She thought to herself, I bet she will be a better person for it. Sally felt a little tingle in her stomach as she drove on, annoyed by the fat old woman in the VW micro van.

Sally was quite moody. She had been quite happy up until her last child had moved out of her lovely mansion. She felt that her husband, Marvin, was not paying any attention to her. She had become friends with a group of women at the Club who were obsessed with being thin. They convinced Sally to join them in their exercise classes, swim aerobics classes, tennis lessons and any other physical activity to maintain the “burn” as they thought of it. Sally really didn’t mind the exercise and the weight loss, but Marvin did.

Marvin longed for a plump happy wife. Sally had been heavier after the births of their children. She didn’t seem to mind being a plump size twelve. Marvin loved her curves and she had a pretty good appetite. Usually gaining weight during the winter and holidays. Then losing some of it in the spring and summer. But the group she was running with now were constantly on her about her weight, though she was the slimmest she had been since finishing school.

Sally arrived home, dressed in a short tennis dress, which she hoped would arouse Marvin, but all it did for him was show how thin she had become. Sally parked her BMW in the garage and went inside to the kitchen. That’s when the spell really took affect.

She suddenly felt over come by a raging appetite. She was starved. All she could think of was getting something to eat. She opened the refrigerator, grabbed a jug of milk, in the freezer she found a couple of frozen pizzas. She put those in the micro wave, grabbed the cookie jar, which fortunately their cook had just restocked that morning. She twisted off the cap of the mild jug and took a long pull. It tasted so good! She grabbed a hand full of cookies and started to eat them as fast as she could. A swig of milk, couple of cookies and swig, more cookies, before she knew it the cookie jar was empty and so was the jug of milk.
7 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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