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Secrets | Weight Gain Stories | Fantasy Feeder


  By Natatat  Premium

Chapter one

Cameron was a guy I dated. He was just soft on all accounts. I hugged him and could feel that dough. He was handsome. He overate on our first date. After dinner we made out in his car and I squeezed his stomach as I kissed him.

“Did you eat before as well?”

He turned red. And tried to deny it. I pressed him until he admitted that he had been nervous and had eaten a lot before even eating the two huge burgers, the duck fries, truffle fries, s’mores brownie pie, two ipas and a coke. Plus my leftovers.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? I kinda like having something to hold on to.”

He had then stopped sucking in. His overfed belly spilled out a little over his belt.

“Can I feed you?” I had no idea why I was so forward.

“Right now?” He seemed surprised. I started tracing circles along his lower belly eliciting a slight moan from him. “Ugh you are going to make me cum in my pants.” He basically growled in my ear.

“Can you eat more for me?”

“Donuts. I can eat donuts.” We bought a box of chocolate donuts and some milk too from the store and drove to a secluded spot. I fed him the first one and then another. They were dense and filling. After the first two he drank some milk.

“How are you okay with this?” I reached to undo his belt while he answered.

“Well I have insanely sexy girl feeding me donuts and caressing me and ahhhhhh that’s so much uggggh owwww.” I had just tightened his belt. And then straddling him I brought a donut to his lips.

“There much better. Now what were you saying?”

“I have a sexy kinky girl feeding me donuts sitting in my lap and touching me. Why would I have a problem with that?” He ate the donut in one go grimacing as the belt tightened.

“Here let me fix this.” I lifted his belly so that he now had the belt under his small stuffed belly. “There we go big boy” I gave him the milk.

“Ahhh. Oh my god these are tight.”

“They aren’t tight enough.” I fed him a 5th donut. And then milk and pressed myself against his belly and flicked my tongue in his ear.

“Oh god no no no, too tight.”

“Your pants getting tighter.”

“Yes now for two reasons.”

“Really?” I pressed myself against him. I didn’t really need to press that hard as his belly was pressing into me the more I fed him.

“I can’t.” I fed him another and bit his neck lightly. “Mmmmmmmm.” I bit his ear.

“Such a sensitive one. When’s the last time someone touched you?” I fed him another.

“Aggghh milk please.” I handed it to him. “Gulp gulp. About a year ago.” I pressed against him getting him to moan in pain. “How many are left?”

“Hmmm 7 I believe.” He groaned and moaned.

“The belt is too much.” I leaned into him my cleavage in his face.

“Do you like it when I do this?” I asked as I swirled my tongue in his ear. He moaned loudly. I put another donut in his face.

“Mhhmmmmmmm.” He nodded his head furiously while squirming against me.

“I like the belt,” I whispered in his ear. “I like pain.” I stuck my fingers in my pussy and let him smell.

“Oh god!” He licked my fingers greedily. “More.”

“You have to eat more if you want more.” I picked up another donut. “Only a few left.” He crammed the donut in his mouth and washed it down. He did this till he fished and then drained the milk.

“Mmmmmm good boy. How’s it feel?”

“Ughhhh urrrp tight.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. “You feel that? My belly is so stuffed. Uggh it’s so tight.”

“Yeah? How tight?”

“I need to undo it. I can’t take it.” He tried to undo it. “I can’t get it off.”

“Haha oh well I guess you are trapped.”

“What no? Please help? I can’t handle it.”

“Okay big boy suck it in.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“Well then I guess you just have to suffer.” He whimpered and moaned as I teased him and tortured him.

“Please” I finally got it off of him.

“Oooooo ahhhh mmmmmm that feels good.” His belly surged out and pressed against me. “Such a big greedy boy.”

“Can I tell you something?”


“I like being dominated.”

“I know.”

Date 3:

We went to the beach and He was practically drooling over me. His board shorts kept coming undone. I heard it rather than saw it. I kept hearing the velcro. He went red. He confessed that he had been trying to lose weight for a while but any time he dieted he caved the second he craved junk food and he would just stuff his face till he passed out.

“I have an idea on how to help.”

“Yeah what’s your idea?”

“Well you say you crave these foods. What if you never wanted to eat them again?”

“That would make it easy to eat healthy”

“Well what are you craving right now?”

“McDonald’s!” I laughed. He turned red.

“Did you already have McDonald’s today? Cause you smell like the fries.”

“I mean maybe a little. But I want more.”

“Okay then here is my plan. From now until New Years when you crave something you will stuff yourself with it and then I will feed you even more of it until you never want to see it again.”

“But won’t I get fat and really unhealthy? Also what if it doesn’t work?”

“You are going to exercise too and eat healthy food. This is just when you are about to cave. It might eliminate the temptations.”

“Okay lets do it.” He got up and put his shirt on. “McDonald’s here we come.” We got into his car and drove. In the car I found a receipt from that morning from McDonald’s $30 spent. I looked over at his belly spilling over and out of the flaps of his board shorts. I decided to not mention the receipt.

“You can’t have your pants open right now.”

“Well I can’t get them to stay.”

“Suck in.” I did up the velcro and tied the shorts tight. “There”

“Ugh I feel fat.” I poked his roll. “Well you said you wanted McDonald’s so just enjoy yourself. I know I will.” I stuck my tongue in his ear putting my hand on his crotch and then stroking the underbelly his tight shorts created. “I want you to stuff yourself. I am going to enjoy you eating yourself into a food coma and then feeding you more while teasing you. Maybe you will even get cookie.” His eyes lit up and his crotch twitched.

“Hi uh can I get one of everything.” Cameron burned with embarrassment as the lady handed him all of his food.

“Cameron can you actually eat all this?” I was shocked.

“Maybe, can you put the cold stuff in the fridge.” He turned on the TV and started eating.
51 chapters, created 5 years , updated 1 year
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Fatlilboy 5 years
love this story - please please more.... We all satand read it together. Bunch of FF fans