Training and his diet


chapter 1

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So some of this is fictional because I don’t remember all of it. I obviously don’t know what Cameron was doing on his own. I know he had two friends who were supposed to be helping him lose weight. So I have taken some artistic liberties with some of it because otherwise it gets confusing and boring.

I came back from talking with Erik. I decided to drop in on Cameron to see how his diet was going. He was supposed to start today.

“Hey Cameron are you having people over or a massive party?”

“No.” I looked at all of the food.

“Okay well then why is all this out?”

“Oh yeah that’s mine.” He walked in. He had chocolate around his lips.

“So I guess the diet is off to a bad start.” He shook his head and turned on the TV while grabbing his computer to start coding. Then he sat at the table and started eating.

“This is the diet.” He shoved two donuts in his mouth.

“I don’t understand.” He took a huge bite of some Mac and cheese.

“It’s intermittent fasting.” I just sighed. On the table there were two large cakes, 3 dozen donuts, 2 dozen eclairs (the big ones with heavy custard in them), two tubs of Mac and cheese, three large pizzas, cupcakes, chicken wings, burgers, liters of soda, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, ranch, ice cream, chocolate milk, and mashed potatoes.

“Are you seriously going to eat all of that?” There was no way this was going to go well.

“Of course I get three days during the week to eat as much as I can and whatever I want. Then the other four days I eat under a certain amount of calories.”

“Okay well I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to be eating junk.” He just shoved a cupcake in his mouth.

“Don’t worry about it. Besides you will get a few days a week to stuff me mercilessly.”

“Cool, um well I just came to grab some stuff. I’m not gonna see you for like a week. The yoga training starts tomorrow and I’m going to need all the sleep I can get.” He just nodded and kept eating.

“Bye good luck with your diet.” I was lucky I never had much over there. I grabbed a few things and left for my place. I texted Erik as soon as I got there. My place wasn’t very far from his. His place was still closer to the studio.

The first day was really fun and tiring. I went home and showered. I heard a knock on my door. I looked at the time. It had only been half an hour since I got home.

“Hey uh I brought you this.” It was Erik. I was in my pajamas which consisted of a pair of soft shorts and a lounge bra with a loose t-shirt. He had brought me a care package basically. It included coconut water, pedialite, stuff for smoothies, protein drinks, basically groceries, Advil, Tylenol, and CBD oil.

“Um wow thank you. How did you even remember what stuff to get?”

“I looked it up and asked a few friends.” He put the stuff away and started cooking. I got up to help.

“Hey just sit down and chill. I’m gonna make you some food. Drink this right now so you don’t get heat exhaustion.” I sat down a little confused.

“I’m not dehydrated.” As I said this I could feel how dehydrated I was. “Okay yeah a little dehydrated.”

“You okay?” He gave me an ice pack to put on my neck.

“Yeah I’m good.”

“You sure?” I nodded.

“I’m just tired and sore and hungry.” He handed me a plate of salmon and potatoes and broccoli.

“Here this should help.” I took a bite.

“This is delicious.”

“I have never seen you eat so fast or like an actual amount of food for a person.” I handed him the book of the series we did for six hours and told him about the heat.

“Oh my god. Jeez. That’s intense.” I had already drank all the water.

“I still feel off” he handed me the electrolyte drink.

“Here drink that.” I chugged it. I felt a little better after. My head had stopped hurting and I felt less overheated. My hair was still wet.

“Do you want to watch something?” I nodded.

“Here you should keep sipping the water. You did a lot today in a lot of heat.”

“How was work today?”

“It was okay.” He seemed like he was avoiding looking at me.

“Come sit.”

“I should do the dishes, ow.” He walked away awkwardly with a hitch in his walk.

“You okay?”

“Yeah I’m good.” I watched the show.

“What’s intermittent fasting?”


“That’s what Cameron is doing.” Erik sighed.

“Seriously? I’m sorry but what an idiot. I don’t think that is a good idea.”

“Well when I left he was stuffing his face with what you would find at a little kids birthday party.”

“Well then I guess you will have to see what happens.” I could tell something was bothering him.

“Come sit with me.” Erik sat down keeping a respectful distance.

“He’s so inconsiderate.”


“Yeah he just keeps getting more out of shape and it’s not that that bugs me the most. It’s his mood and behavior. I am unhappy. He neglects me while also asking to participate in stuff I masturbate to. It wasn’t supposed to be that.”

“I know I know. It was a way to transition from trauma. So why are you still with him?”

“I got all my stuff from there already.” Erik nearly choked on his water.

“What when?”

“Yesterday after I saw you.”

“Uh so did you guys break up? Does he know you have been talking to me?”

“No we didn’t and no he doesn’t.”

“But you guys haven’t had sex or anything for like a month? How does he think things are okay?”

“Um I maybe accidentally conditioned him to associate sex with food so I don’t think he notices.”


“I don’t know, I told you things got weird very fast. I think he already had some penchant for that.”

“This show has a lot of sex scenes in it.” He awkwardly changed the subject.

“Yeah it does.” I smiled at him. He was jealous. He was checking me out.

Narrated Cameron’s week:

Cameron had finished all of his food and somehow was still hungry. He raided the fridge for anything. He found some milk and heavy cream and cheese and bacon and a lot of other stuff. He ate it all.

In the morning he struggled to button his jeans and still wore a belt. And he rushed off to class. His two friends were waiting for him to arrive and each had brought him food to “help” with his diet.

“Hey Cameron, we brought you these.” Noah and Todd said handing Cameron three boxes of eclairs and chocolate milk.

“Wow thanks.” The two boys sat on either side of Cameron. They had suggested the intermittent fasting. Although they neglected to mention quite a few facts. Both boys had watched Cameron eat and grow and decided that they wanted him bigger.

“Make sure to eat them all by lunch” Todd gave Cameron’s belly a pat.

“No problem.” Both boys watched Cameron shove an entire eclair in his mouth, custard spilling onto his face.

“Urrrp oops.” Both Noah and Todd were determined to get Cameron’s belly to be a permanent doughy fixture. They were the ones who took him out drinking. He was the one who stuffed himself on his own but they gave him leftovers and encouraged him. And would tempt him.

“Ugh oooffff these are tight.” Cameron’s belly was starting to spill over his belt. But he just kept eating. It wasn’t until lunch that he really felt the full weight of the eclairs in his stomach.

“Come on let’s get you some food. Gotta impress that girl of yours.” Cameron slowly got up. His belly is now clearly on display.

“Urrrrp woah ooof.” Noah and Todd had a lot planned for this week. They knew Cameron had no willpower. That was obvious. And so all they did was provide temptation and watched the show.

“Here I can’t eat anymore, do you want this?” Noah pushed over the rest of his meal to Cameron as did Todd.

“Yeah of course you know I can’t say no to good food especially free food.” Noah was practically drooling over Cameron’s belly as it slowly got closer to the table with each bite.

“This is so easy.” Noah whispered to Todd.

“I know right.”

“Urrrrrrp oooooofffff. I think tomorrow should be my first off day. My pants are getting a little too tight.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Felixsparke 4 years
These stories are absolutely Awesome! Can’t wait for more