Girlfriend weight gain stories

“oh, Do I Look Pregnant?”

A first-person story of a newly married woman who’s mistaken for pregnant and decides to keep up the charade by speeding her gain over the next six months. Very sexy, consensual, a little submissive, and numbers-driven.   More ▼

The Great British Baking Contest

A dieting makeup artist regrets her decision to work for the Great British Baking Contest...until she meets one of the contestants. Semi-realistic slowish burn. Updated 14 Sept.   More ▼

The Second January Second  

We've seen the journal of Eve Nightingale. Well, if you've read January second you have anyway. But what about from Ted's POV? This story is my attempt at something more cutesy and less smutty. Well, early on at least.   More ▼


A girl gains weight to get some curves with her boyfriend’s encouragement. She didn’t expect it to be so easy or so fun.   More ▼

In for a Penny, in for a Pound

Ted and Betty are a slender couple who want to be in Dinah�s will. But Dinah has conditions that are at odds with being slender. Mutual weight gain. Final chapter added 12/18/16.   More ▼

Breaking the Mold

An elven maiden is given as a spoil of war to an orc warrior. No one expected the consequences of wedding the forced allies. Slow Burn, I think ch 11 the wg starts.   More ▼

The Expanse of Sam

[Completed] A couple rebounds after the pandemic, and the wife goes back to traveling for work. She's surprised when she returns and her husband isn't as trim as when she left him. Huge thanks to the user who suggested this story! Enjoy.   More ▼

Working for Doctor Wu  

Scarlet Flame In: the Wrath of Nv  

An aging heroine is offered a miracle drug to solve her metabolism woes. What could go wrong? (COMPLETE)   More ▼


Tamara has never met a man like Tom before; so desperate to be dominated by her! But his ravenous appetite has awoken a kink within her that she has not yet explored. How far would this boy be willing to submit?   More ▼