Girlfriend weight gain stories

Bad Girls

Josh is surprised when his accidental holiday weight leads to a whole new level of female attention. Maybe tight, lean abs aren't the way to a girl's heart...   More ▼

Fat for Christmas  

A young woman from the city goes out to the country and meets all sorts of quaint characters who all seem to be trying to fatten her up.   More ▼

The Sacred Ritual

I realized with panic that there was no predicting what would happen if I stayed in this country. Just how fat was I going to get? *FINISHED*   More ▼

Ava's "lockdown 15..."

Follow from Josh's perspective as his new roommate come girlfriend awakens a fetish he didn't know he had.   More ▼

An American Dream

Alina is studying at college on a student visa and is desperate to see the full delights of American cuisine. But, teaming up with Dan, she soon discovers the very best, and most fattening, places to eat around campus.   More ▼

More Than Expected  

After a night neither of them will forget, Tyler and Michelle will gain more than they expected.   More ▼

The Skinny Fiancé

Allison was excited to spend the rest of her life with Jeremy until she peeked at her fiancé's computer and saw what he was really into. Now Allison has to decide — can she handle the weight?   More ▼

Grand Theft Amore  

Pop icon Bailey Sharp will do anything to achieve the blubbery body of her dreams, including lie, steal, and wreak havoc. Sequel to B&B2. (COMPLETE)   More ▼

Pound for Pound

Mel, a prideful athlete and dominant lover, makes a compromise to switch weights with Liz, her fat girlfriend. However, as Mel begins to gain weight, and Liz begins to lose it, they discover that size isn’t the only thing changing between them.   More ▼

College Weight

Plot driven slow burn, the first few chapters are only gonna hint to feedism and then its gonna get really spicy trust the process let me cook College fiction about a friend group and two people falling in love and exploring feedism together.   More ▼