Medical weight gain stories

Earning My Tuition  

Sarah took part in a medical study for the summer. In return, the company agreed pay her college tuition for the coming year. She unwittingly allowed them to place her in a coma for a month and when she woke, her body was changed.   More ▼


The Felony  

Dr Wu Opens up a Bakery  

A young and fit college senior named Johhny Robinson takes up an offer to intern at a local bakery with his namesake. It doesn't hurt either that a cute young girl there takes a liking to him, but just not in the way he wants. She likes bigger guys.   More ▼

The Ladyfish Experiment  

A beautiful woman appears on a beach in Florida, wanting to be bred. All she wants is to grow very fat and very pregnant. The man she chooses to mate with, is a widower and a recovering alcoholic. Yet in her mind, he's the perfect mate.   More ▼

[commission] Her Perfect Pig  

COMPLETE! A disastrous flight over the Bermuda Triangle lands Theo on a tropical island. The native islanders are welcoming and friendly -- but not so gentle. A beautiful woman and her accomplices force fatten him into the hog of her dreams!   More ▼

Bad Habits

Oliver quits running cross country and finds himself in a confusing and dark relationship with his best friend's brother. Dylan is good at manipulating Oliver and preying on his weaknesses making him unhealthy and immobile.   More ▼

There Must Be Something in the Air: a Fatville/dr Wu Tale  

Crime Brulee In: a Delectable Deliverance  

BW City's favorite chubby-chasing super-crook is back in an all-new adventure featuring hijinks, harems, romance, robbery, and loads and loads of weight gain! (COMPLETE)   More ▼

Life With Lipidease! - a Commissioned Story  

COMPLETE - A young man and his boss, an older woman, hit it off at their biotech job. She likes him — and his appetite — and wants to see more of him. Much, much more! Mutual gaining, female led relationship, stuffing.   More ▼
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