Kidnapping weight gain stories

Rival Treatment - Epilogue

A look at what David has done to Philip, his rival, and how he maintains it and continues to make him even fatter.   More ▼

Go Ask Alice

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all. Go ask Alice. I think she'll know.   More ▼

Sarah's Secret Journal

A woman who was abducted and awakens in a basement dungeon finds a secret journal documenting the previous captives' attempts at escape, and their ultimate fate. This story is a collection of journal entries from multiple characters.   More ▼

Too Fat

A chilling tale about a feedee who attracts the attention of reclusive mad scientist feeder. She finds herself forced to grow bigger than her wildest dreams.   More ▼

The Fatcility

Abby is taken to a facility designed to help a failing government crack down on obesity and fulfil other objectives... a work in progress.   More ▼

Exercise Anticonditioning

Mirror Image

The Fall of Madame Bigger

Sabra's Final Moments

A sexy flight attendant-turned-disgusting pile of fat remembers the day she was kidnapped.   More ▼

Quarantine Control