Sexy weight gain stories

My Personal Baby Machine  

“A while back, my husband lost me in a card game. Now, I belong to someone else. All I ever wanted from life was to serve a good man, get big and fat and have a basket full of babies. I hate being so pretty."   More ▼

Emily: P.o.v - 620 Pounds

[CHAPTERS 11 - 21 ADDED] *contains explicit sex* A glimpse of Emily’s life when she weighed a mere 620 pound! Contains lots of gluttony and explicit sex in later chapters. I would recommend reading ‘Rise Of Emily’ first   More ▼

The Bimbo Pill  

A couple is pressured into testing a powerful new drug for the husband's employer. It's supposed to be a version of Viagra for women. But it's more than that. Tom's wife begins to change and their life becomes too hot to handle.   More ▼

The Fat Secretary

A man's marriage falls apart after he accidentally knocks up his fat secretary. When his gorgeous wife leaves him, he finds himself stuck with a growing pig of a woman.   More ▼

Sizeable Success: a Workplace Weight-gain

A weightgain story about a woman who joins her best friend at a new office job at a plus-sized clothing company, only to find out that this new office may end up pushing her into the plus-sizes herself. Features WG, Minor Slob, X Rated Updated 1/19   More ▼

Time for Revenge

Freak Love  

COMPLETE 3/10/24 In the 1930s, a skinny chef and a circus fat man find freedom and bliss together. Light slob/gas, light power play (male dom/fem sub), stuffing, adoring domesticity. Also, loads of historical inaccuracies.//   More ▼

Matilda Swaps Goals

Local footballing athlete encounters problems at her club, and slowly progresses into a fatty. Pretty simple. More of a slow-burn, with many chapters, and a realistic progression.   More ▼

The Rise of Emily

[CHAPTERS 87 -92 ADDED] A young jealous boy called Tom secretly fattens his girlfriend Emily up. Warning includes extreme weight gain, slob and explicit sex in later chapters   More ▼

The Goddess