Sexy weight gain stories

A Slight Weakness

Sweet Brenda

Brenda is a pretty girl but was always self conscious of her body. When she got busy with her new job things began to change.   More ▼

Big in Japan

Your greedy American co-worker is taking too much advantage of the culinary delights the home country of your business partner has to offer and it is taking his toll on his growing body.   More ▼

The Shape of It All

Love Song of Circe

A slender stranger is drawn to a beautiful enchantress who wishes him to grow quite fat, encouraging him to make a pig of himself. Dark take on a classic myth.   More ▼

How Do I Tell Her?

Based on a true story - two girls fall madly in love in college––but how will one tell the other about her feedism dreams?   More ▼

Letters From Misty  

Series of letters written by a gaining SSBBW to her boyfriend overseas.   More ▼

The Professional Pig  

Kylie learns to live life to the fullest, giving into desires to gain weight, engaging in public displays of gluttony. When she reconnects with a mysterious man from her past, she starts to think that she's bitten off more than she can chew.   More ▼

Growing for Her

Diving into a new relationship completely lovestruck with the woman of his dreams, Ace isn't concerned by the changes to his body. Who would have thought love could have such devastating consequences for your waistline?   More ▼

My Gaining Story - Reversal of Roles