Sexy weight gain stories

Feeding His Ego

Caleb, sick of his bosses narcissistic tendencies, decides to undermine his ego, however, his plan had some unexpected results.   More ▼

Faye and the Fat Kama Sutra

Epic poems have demons, lovers, cheating, and immortal gods. This one has an ex-husband, sex slaves, eating, and an immobile goddess. Close enough. © 2021,   More ▼

Fatter... Continued  

Harry and Grace - a Feeder's Fairytale

A modern interpretation of Hansel and Gretel for the feeder community. When they end up stranded in a woodland cottage, Grace soon decides to let loose and explore her gaining desires. But is it entirely her choice?   More ▼

My Alien Girlfriend  

James had it all figured out. His last year of college was gonna be easy. But when Kira crash lands into his life, his plan is ruined. She’s brilliant, funny, cute and also an alien. One with BIG customs he must oblige if he wants a chance with her.   More ▼

Cole and Caleb

Shy twink Caleb piles on the pounds at the sneaky encouragement of his "straight" cruise buddy Cole. What happens when two young guys quarantine together with unlimited room service and a bag of Jamaican weed? COMPLETE   More ▼

Unfinished Business (part Two)  

A woman discovers herself as she embraces her own hedonistic desires and immerses herself in the world of feedism and polyamory. This is a multi-part long form narrative.   More ▼

A Wonderful Life

Riley Hanway has it all: perfect looks and a perfect life. When her feeder fetish turn into a feedee fetish, everything might just get even more perfect.   More ▼

Gamer Boys

Angel has been delivering to the same address with absurd amounts of food all week but with nobody answering the door. This time he finally meets the person behind these massive orders. (FTM x M)   More ▼

Haley Gets Huge

Haley finds Frankie, a wealthy feeder who quickly becomes obsessed with watching her eat and gain. Especially watching her enjoy herself, which she does in more ways than one.   More ▼