Sexy weight gain stories

Stuffing You at the Buffet

I put you, my fat piggy princess, in a tight dress and take you to an all you can eat buffet. I stuff you full of tasty greasy food until you feel you're gonna pop. You get so turned on we have to rush you home where the real fun begins...   More ▼

A Feedee’s Night of Passion

A story about an immobile 810 pound woman getting intimate with her husband. Contains explicit sex, stuffing and bondage.   More ▼

The Old Gym Gear

I find you, my obese princess, attempting to work out so I punish you by making you squeeze into your old gym gear and make you eat a large takeaway. Ends with sex   More ▼

Welcome to Fatville

Milf Next Door

I always thought my best friend's mom was hot and now I have a chance to show her a good time when everyone was out of the house.   More ▼

The Wood Nymph

Haven't explored magic before, but here is a little story was whispered into my ear by a mysterious forest sprite. Who could resist?   More ▼

My Quarantine Girlfriend

Eliana's Ruin

Eliana, a slender half-elf, embarks on a journey north to pursue her dream of becoming a mage. Little does she know she will find herself seduced by irresistible mortal temptations and transformed beyond recognition.   More ▼

Courtney’s Weight Gain

"for You My Dear, I