Sexy weight gain stories

Tubby Temptations

Getting a bit too close to the fires of temptation, Tom gets burned -- and grows a belly as well! A cautionary tale for what can happen if you start to obsess about becoming fatter as a fantasy feedee!   More ▼

Bills New Look

Story about a slim woman fattening a huge man using a feeding table and pump. Loving him, caring for him and massaging his beautiful fat. My first published story.   More ▼

A Piggy for Mistress

A girl finds herself unable to resist her Mistress, and winds up tied up and delightfully force fed. Just a short little one off for the holidays. BBW, force feeding, female dominate, sexual content, some name calling, part of the Colton Corp. world   More ▼

Bliss Point

A chef and a food critic are engaged in an intensely fattening relationship.   More ▼

You've Ruined Me!

You made me like this. You've ruined me. I used to be a normal sized girl with normal ambitions. Now I'm a 400lb porker addicted to stuffing my face with fattening slop!   More ▼

Eric’s Demise

When Eric moves in with overweight girlfriend he begins to experience some changes to his own waistline… (short story, completed)   More ▼

Resistance Is Futile

What happens when someone already prone to laziness and excuses finally decides to indulge?   More ▼


Programmed to Grow

Dan’s Beauty Serum 1: Claiming an Indian Bride

Chapter 1: Dawn's world is flipped upside down when her fiance's new serum transforms her body into something unrecognizable. My first story, ever. Enjoy   More ▼