Contemporary weight gain stories

Bellows Farm Inn

Bellows Farm Inn was affected by the soil contamination just as the rest of the development. You can count on you and your significant other gaining weight while staying there, as our characters will soon find out.   More ▼

Bellows Farm Inn, Story Two

The inn is also where visitors to Dyan Tech stay while attending meetings at the company. Two employees are about to "enjoy" the benefits of the inn.   More ▼

Bellows Farm, the Three

Three executives of a small company arrive at the Bellows Farm Inn to give a presentation at Dyna Tech. It is a transformational stay and experience for them.   More ▼

The Contract

We all need a little push to be who we need to be   More ▼

Confessions of a Bodybuilder

I must confess: I am a bodybuilder. It's an obsession I have that I can't tell my lover about. If I do, I might scare him off before I am all done building his big beautiful body! If he opens his mouth to complain about getting fat, I shall fill it   More ▼

I'm Gonna Make Her Fat  

Blackmail by Kelsie... Preview

Obese Vagabond Poet

A woman is living with her boyfriend and a roommate. Her bf invites 2 of his poet friends to stay for a while because they don't have anywhere else to live. 1 person gets fattened. :) corny   More ▼

Lard Bless This Mess - Largetwink

Managing and being a Mayor is hard. Especially when you are coming in without knowing anything about your constituents along with crippling debt. So, when Logan Spruce became in-term mayor and city manager on behalf of the state government.   More ▼

The Injury