Sexy weight gain stories

The Cheater

How are you supposed to feel when your narcissistic husband cheats on you? Do you walk away, or try to forgive? Or rather, do you use the strange side-effects of a vitamin pill to teach him a well needed lesson?   More ▼

F80: Kidnap and Control

Rich, entitled, care-free. Emily's life is about to change forever, as she becomes the focus of a cunning F80 android with a master plan.   More ▼

The Love of Hunger

This is a story about a woman who has denied her love for food and weight her hole life until she discovered a feeder she will fall in, who just so happens to also be her boss.   More ▼

Now You Can Get Fatter

“oh, Do I Look Pregnant?”

A first-person story of a newly married woman who’s mistaken for pregnant and decides to keep up the charade by speeding her gain over the next six months. Very sexy, consensual, a little submissive, and numbers-driven.   More ▼

My Grilfriend's Girlfriend

Maybe it's my destiny that every girl I've ever dated will eventually dump me, start going out with girls, and get fat. I must suck as a boyfriend. If that wasn’t enough, her new girlfriend would then ask me to move with them to get my ex even fatter   More ▼


A girl gains weight to get some curves with her boyfriend’s encouragement. She didn’t expect it to be so easy or so fun.   More ▼


Tomy ’s  

A milkshake is good for anyone and when the guy who sells it is everything you are looking for in a partner, is gaining a few kilos not a problem or is it possibly a few hundred kilos? Now Henry will have to decide between his weight and the love   More ▼

Breaking the Mold

An elven maiden is given as a spoil of war to an orc warrior. No one expected the consequences of wedding the forced allies. Slow Burn, I think ch 11 the wg starts.   More ▼