Sexy weight gain stories

The Expanse of Sam

[Completed] A couple rebounds after the pandemic, and the wife goes back to traveling for work. She's surprised when she returns and her husband isn't as trim as when she left him. Huge thanks to the user who suggested this story! Enjoy.   More ▼

The Fence

Alana, formerly a reluctant babysitter and bonafide high school bombshell, has partaken in a decade of lazy indulgence and been forced to endure its consequences. Now single, overweight, and recently unemployed, Alana's story starts now!   More ▼

Kelsey New Year Premium  

Continued story of Kelsey. This has the rest of the chapters. There is a preview of it for free. As Kelsey and Erin get closer, Kelsey and David drift apart. Some straight some lesbian.   More ▼

Working for Doctor Wu  

The Lord of the Rings  

This is a fantasy story loosely based on the "Lord of the Rings". Legolas, Merry and Pippin behave very different and find their own adventure of sex and feederism. It's straight and gay, its big-bellied and fat-balled, it's weird!   More ▼


Tamara has never met a man like Tom before; so desperate to be dominated by her! But his ravenous appetite has awoken a kink within her that she has not yet explored. How far would this boy be willing to submit?   More ▼

Emma's Priced Piggy

[FINISHED] This party is gonna be so much fun! Everyone has been so exited to celebrate new year at my best friend Sarah. I could have never predicted who I met there, or how they will change my body forever...   More ▼

Loosening Habits

A man reaches his dreams of having a loving wife, new house, and his dream job. Little to his knowledge all conspire against him to push his waistline further and further. (Warning: sexually explicit) Making some edits to have it read better   More ▼

Culture Shock

Blubber and the Beef

Sammy and Dean have fallen for each other at work; but for some reason, he's holding back. He can't really be serious about his family curse?   More ▼