Sexy weight gain stories

My Ex Got Fat

Mark runs into his college ex girlfriend. She might’ve gained a bit of weight, though. Just a bit. Credit for the cover photo goes to "TheStarTraveler" on DeviantArt.   More ▼

Swapping Traits

Abby goes to Europe overweight while her boyfriend Greg awaits her at home. Due to fate, Abby will be coming home much slimmer, but the same can not be said for the man she left at home.   More ▼

The Track & Field Star

A young professor returns to the town where he did his university practices. There he will meet one of his old students, a girl who had an innate talent for athletics... however, now it does not seem that she could beat anyone in a race.   More ▼

Double Trouble: the Legend of Crime Brulee

It's out of the frying pan and into the fire when chubby-chaser and professional burglar Crime Brulee is asked to join the Heroics Division. [Sparkverse] [COMPLETE]   More ▼

Becoming Her Bulk

A Weekend All Alone

The House is empty for the weekend, and I have plans with myself... Things change unexpectedly, making for more excitement than I bargained for.. *Very Graphic Descriptive narrative- prequel to my next story* VERY NSFW. Don't like porn? DONT READ!   More ▼

A Gypsy, Strange Dreams and Growth.

Caution: Adult erotic content. I wrote this for my own pleasure a long time ago. Excuse any bad grammar and bad formatting. The story is about a couple who have intimacy issues but with the help of magic it resolves their issue.   More ▼

The Beer Wench and the Cowboy

A bar maid challenges an enigmatic customer to a drinking contest on a slow night. Things end up dirtier, sloshier, and more bloated than she could have imagined. Button popping, beer guts, and origin stories ensue, and a beautiful romance is born.   More ▼

Stockholm Syndrome

Not for the faint of heart, it gets rough. *disclaimer*. The actions perpetrated in this story should not be condoned outside of fantasy. This is a fantasy, and should only be acted out with mutual consent and a safe word.   More ▼

The Gift

Arthur and Natalia are happily married. They have a dream but sadly they can't fulfill it. But what will happen when Natalia's best friend and the CEO of their company give them a gift that may help them fulfill their dreams?   More ▼